Fig Tree Acupuncture + Wellness
Fig Tree Acupuncture + Wellness
Gabrielin Figuerado Lulo
Gabrielin attended New York College of Health Professions in Long Island, NY. As a nurse, she saw firsthand the need for a holistic approach to be used in conjunction with western medicine. Gabrielin's favorite thing about being an acupuncturist is how fascinated patients are with what acupuncture can do. “There is a point for just about anything!” as she likes to say. It continues to amaze her every day. Post graduate training in China continued her goal of bridging the gap between eastern and western medicine. She is excited to provide similar ​care for patients here.
Outside of work, Gabrielin enjoys caring for her house plants, tending to her garden, and planning her next camping or hiking trip with her dog, who has also received acupuncture.